Tag Archives: principles

Are you feeling overwhelmed right now?

A friend of mine sent me this question a few days ago to check up on me. I felt the approach to be authentic and genuine so I applied the same logic in trying to observe my response.The question could raise many answers, angles and arguments which again could lead to questions as the cycle of thought appears to be inexhaustible. Despite this, the abilities of the mind are to be celebrated not repressed or reprimanded, the key lies somewhere between not clinging to any of it and consciously choosing the mental path you wish to lead. I found myself looking for what I was actually feeling in that particular moment. Without letting anything affect my state of awareness I searched within for that feeling of alignment with pure consciousness, that neutral yet excited part of my being which observes all without a priori judgement or anxiety.

gratitude karma clense
I found there a deep well of bliss and the further I went the closer to home I got. It was on that short journey within that I remembered all of a sudden; we are not what we perceive, let alone how we respond or react (they are important factors in shaping our character and this life over time, yes, however..) we are what we choose to see and be and our freedom lies in our ability to question this very right and be the change we wish to see in the world, to put it in Ghandian terms.


This part of my being was emanating a vibration of appreciation.
A feeling that right this moment all is well, balanced and harmoniously flowing while continuing to unfold as art on life’s great canvas. We are individually, but most importantly collectively, realizing both internal and external potential, constantly pushing the edge of awareness towards greater achievements. And as our perception evolves into a more unifying and positive awareness of the true principles of nature and mind we find in the midst of our existence the heart that pours so generously out to accompany the greatest symphony there ever was. Yes, I feel the future is bright and that life is just about to begin, like it always is, every now moment.

In this state, which is our natural state, I feel blessed and truly grateful to be, and to simply be where I am today, I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Life may be overwhelming at times, but everything is relative and all in all I know the challenges are both in order and proportion to my purpose and potential and by taking proper action, or responsibility, I can and will excel and advance on this eternal journey of mine.
I also know that the journey of life is not truly mine, and certainly not for the keeping; I am a part of something much greater than myself and whatever life throws at me I can rest assure that “this, too, shall pass” – if I allow it to.
It gives me great pleasure knowing that I am contributing to a larger body of consciousness-collection. We are adding bits and pieces of information to the puzzle and fabric of existence simply by inhaling and exhaling the recycled substance of life, which is love. Our task is simple but easy to make complicated – simply breathe this substance into new shapes and sizes, there is no limit to the creative.

Strong church imageI am in no way feeling overwhelmed, well not if the word implies anything of negative nature at least. I am overwhelmingly grateful in this moment. For this moment is truly unique, once in a life time, and we are not *just* specks of dust in this beautifully choreographed dance of source’s creative expression, these specks of dust we’re referring to are conducting vital parts in the show and as such I am working on perfecting my moves to the timeless rhythm of love.

This unifying pulse is keeping me calm and let’s me know that we are all in this together and there’s no task to great for us to collectively overcome.

ॐ We are one, with and in love, Namasté ॐ